The Benefits of Physiotherapy & Pilates for People with Osteoarthritis

Don't let Osteoarthritis hold you back!

Discover treatment options and stay active with exercise, lifestyle Changes & physiotherapy

Living with osteoarthritis can be a challenge, but there are a variety of treatments available to help manage its effects. Exercise, lifestyle changes and physiotherapy can all help improve the quality of life for those suffering from this condition. Here is how you can manage your osteoarthritis and live an active life.

Exercise is Key!

Exercise is key when it comes to managing osteoarthritis, as it helps keep joints flexible and relieves tension in the affected area. But, not all exercises are suitable for everyone so a physio assessment is important to determine the best type of exercise for you based on your individual needs. Swimming, walking and cycling are good low-impact options that can help with keeping joints moving without putting too much strain on them.

Did you know physio-led Pilates is the ideal form of exercise for people suffering from osteoarthritis? It’s low impact and is a great way to build muscle strength, control, posture and joint movement. With physio-led classes, each exercise can be modified to ensure it keeps you working at the appropriate level for your condition. Pilates has huge benefits when it comes to treating and managing symptoms of osteoarthritis.  Physio-led pilates Reformer classes can help to reduce joint pain and stiffness, improve balance and agility and work on joint mobility as well as muscle strength. Classes can be tailored specifically for those with osteoarthritis and as a physio, I can modify the exercises to get the most benefit without putting excessive strain on joints and exacerbating your pain.

Take advantage of my Pilates Class Intro Offer and come try a pilates reformer class today!

Lifestyle changes

Certain foods have also been found to reduce inflammation associated with arthritis. Foods such as oily fish, avocado and nuts are especially beneficial.

According to the British Dietetic Association (BDA)Omega 3 fatty acids, found in fish such as salmon or mackerel, have been proven to reduce inflammation in joint tissues so eating these regularly could help relieve symptoms of arthritis.

In addition, avoiding certain foods such as processed and refined sugars can also help reduce inflammation.

Finally, it’s important to stay hydrated! Drink plenty of water during the day and get enough sleep for your body to rest and repair itself as being dehydrated/tired can worsen joint pain and stiffness.

It’s also important to maintain a healthy weight; being overweight puts extra strain on joints which can cause them to be inflamed more easily so keeping active and eating healthily is beneficial for managing pain levels.


Physiotherapy treatment is ideal in helping to manage arthritis pain levels; physiotherapists use techniques such as massage, joint mobility and specific exercises tailored to each individual patient’s needs can all help improve joint range, strength and endurance around the joint itself. Physiotherapy treatment plans should always be tailored specifically for each patient, depending on their medical history, goals and current level of fitness.

Living with osteoarthritis doesn’t mean you have to stop living an active life. With a few lifestyle changes, regular exercise and physiotherapy, you can successfully manage the pain.

Managing osteoarthritis requires regular exercise, dietary changes and physiotherapy treatments to keep joints mobile while reducing inflammation associated with arthritis pain.

Take the necessary steps to manage osteoarthritis — exercise, diet, and physio!


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